Some Non-Fiction for Self-Publishers

   By Tim VanHouten Self-publication is easy, if you have the time and will to do it.You do have to be aware of the pitfalls before you make the leap into the fray of eBooks and paperback visions. First, you are in complete control. This means you are solely responsible for the print quality. You can use outside sources; turn-key places are great but come … Continue reading Some Non-Fiction for Self-Publishers

5 Reasons Why I Want to Be a Writer

Article written by Trevor Kesner Passion is what drives the writer’s pen. The ink on the page is the blood of the soul. Someone who wants to write fiction is someone who wants to tell the story of the mind. They could even be called gods of their own world. They craft the stories that the character’s experience. Writers are the maestroes of both the … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why I Want to Be a Writer